Friday, December 16, 2011

The Story of Us

My life is busy, my hands are full, but my heart is overflowing with blessings. I have an amazing husband whom I love with every ounce of my soul. I have 5 AMAZING kids. 3 biological, 2 step children. Mckla, RJ, Cooper, Carlynn and Chandi. The C's, those are my babies. We currently live in Texas, but getting ready to head to the great state of Georgia. My husband is going to be a Drill Sargent at Ft. Benning. We are excited for the new adventures headed our way.

My days are filled with cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, and chasing after my kiddo's. Mckla is a fun loving, animal lover. Especially horses. She wants to work with animals with she gets older. RJ is, well, a boy. He loves anything sports, riding his dirt bike with dad, and playing Army with his buddies. He says he is going to be a soldier like dad when he gets bigger.

Copper is my first born. He had a difficult delivery and passed away at 2 days old. We miss him terribly. Carlynn is our sensitive spunky lil firecracker. She loves Mickey Mouse and Spongebob. She like to try and help with her lil sister. She is talking up a storm, but we can't quite make out exactly what she is saying. Her newest thing is taking her shoes off in the car, and holding them high above her head and yelling, TAAAA DAAAA! Silly girl. Her best bud is her Bubs, (RJ) She has yet to say Mckla, but loves her sissy so much. Especially when sissy lets her ride on her back like a horsey. Chandi is our super smiley happy baby. Not much makes her mad, well unless you are slow at feeding her. She LOVES to eat. Her and Carlynn are exactly 51 weeks apart. And the wear the same size diapers. :o)

I love being mom (or stepmom) to all of these wonderful kids. It is not always easy, but it is worth every ounce of sleepless nights, all the trashed rooms in my house, and the piles of laundry in my house. I would not trade it for the world. I want this blog to highlight the parts of my life that I don't want to forget. I want it to be a happy blog. I want to be able to share the joys of our family with you.

***Our Timeline***
*Met October 9, 2005
*Engaged November 25, 2005
*Married April 8, 2006
*Moved to Texas June 2006
*Pregnant with Cooper May 2007
*Cooper Allen 1/7/08~1/9/08
*Pregnant with Carlynn October 2009
*Carlynn Kay born May 2010
*Bought house in Texas
*Won custody of Big Kids August 2010
*Pregnant with Chandi October 2010
*Chandi Anne born May 2011
*Got puppy, Daisy December 2011
*Preparing to PCS (Army move) to Ft. Benning GA May 2012

I hope you enjoy my blog. I may complain sometimes, I may want to hide in a closet sometimes, and escape the craziness of my life, but with my hands full, my heart will always be full of blessings.

With Love,

1 comment:

  1. Holy macaroni, you met in 2005, married like 9 months later? GOOD FOR YOU! Jason and I met in November 1995 in college, and got married in Feb. 2001. You have the most adorable family! Sooooo glad you began a blog again!
